
My Core Values

It was a seemingly regular day when I was posed with a profound question – not once, but twice. First, by my therapist, and later the same day, by my young daughter: “What are your values?”

Caught off guard, I could initially muster only a couple of responses. Yet this question lingered in my mind. It’s one of those seemingly simple inquiries that, upon deeper reflection, opens a world of introspection.

Later that day, I opened my journal and began to write. What flowed onto those pages within just 15 minutes surprised even me. Some values emerged from childhood memories, shaped by my parents’ teachings and religious guidance. Others crystallized from mistakes I’ve made and the lessons adulthood and parenthood graciously taught me. And as I penned each one, I realized that values aren’t stagnant. They evolve, adapt, and mature, much like we do.

Here’s what I uncovered during that introspective exercise:

  • Respect is paramount. Treat everyone you meet with it.
  • Loyalty to family, friends, country, and company is a grounding force.
  • Act with honesty in every facet: your words, thoughts, and actions.
  • Maintain noble intentions in all endeavors.
  • Learn from your mistakes, apologize sincerely, and evolve.
  • Open communication enriches relationships and understanding.
  • Optimism is the lens through which to view the world.
  • Advocate the principle of “live and let live”.
  • Commitments once made should be honored.
  • Jealousy and envy have no place in a peaceful heart.
  • Extend a helping hand to parents, family, friends, and strangers alike.
  • Realize that money isn’t the pinnacle of life’s importance.
  • Embrace a flexible mindset to adapt and grow.
  • Greet others sincerely, making genuine eye contact.
  • Recognize that disagreements are natural, and approach them with an open heart and mind.
  • Care for your environment, leaving it better for future generations.
  • Healthy eating is a commitment to oneself.
  • Fun isn’t frivolous; it’s essential.
  • Cherish and celebrate traditions, they’re the threads that connect us.
  • The depth of friendship matters. Nurture at least four profound connections.
  • Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
  • Be propelled forward by your aspirations, not held back by your past.
  • The grace lies in the ability to let go.
  • Forgiveness is the gift we give to ourselves.
  • Embrace a heart of gratitude.
  • Continuously learn from others; everyone is a teacher.
  • And, above all, maintain a state of peacefulness.

To me, these values now serve as my compass, guiding my interactions, decisions, and reflections. My hope is that as these values evolve, they’ll be etched into my legacy, a testament to a life lived meaningfully. And when, someday, my daughter asks her children about their values, she’ll share these with her own personal tales of growth and understanding.